Sunday, August 28, 2011

Conversations and supporting students


Perhaps conversations are to people what water is to fish: so ubiquitous and all encompassing that we has lost awareness of the conversations in which we are involved. But with increased awareness we will be able to make improved provision for all students.

The following propositions are worth considering:

  1. Support for students is best constructed in rich conversations between the student, staff, family, stakeholders and/or  providers
  2. These conversations are many and varied and occur over a wide range of places and times
  3. The 'data' that informs these conversations comes from many sources
  4. The 'data' that informs these conversations is increasingly unique and idiosyncratic for higher needs students
  5. Capturing and working with key data (data that has the potential to make a difference for the student) requires well matched tools and practices
  6. The conversations, tools and practices need to be consistent and coherent at, and across, all levels: individual student, class, year group, school, .... school system, external support providers and other agencies, ...

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